Wettable Powder

美 [ˈwɛtəbl ˈpaʊdər]英 [ˈwɛtəbl ˈpaʊdə(r)]
  • 网络可润湿粉末;可湿粉剂
Wettable PowderWettable Powder
  1. The Study on The Properties of Special Pesticide Filler A Used in Bt Wettable Powder


  2. Study on the Formulation of 50 % Compound Chlorothalonil Wettable Powder


  3. The control effects of spraying 15 % triadimefon wettable powder are excellent .


  4. Effect of spraying wettable powder of 50 % napropamide on weed control of tobacco field


  5. Experiments on prevention and control of Dendrolimus superans by using 20 % Mie'A wettable powder


  6. Study on Residue Dynamics of Cinosulfuron · Acetochlor Wettable Powder in Rice


  7. The affect of suitable compatibility of auxiliary to increase the suspensibility of pesticide wettable powder


  8. Efficacy of an α - pyrone 0.2 % wettable powder against plant fungal pathogens


  9. The method is accurate , rapid and reproducible , and has been used to the quality control of the Ding-Bian wettable powder .


  10. A Study on 50 % Benzol-benzyl Wettable Powder


  11. The disease investigation showed bran culture of Trichoderma and chlamydospore Wettable powder had better biocontrol effects against the capsicum damping-off disease .


  12. In addition , the wettable powder of Bt MB-15 was developed by using its mixture of spore and parasporal crystals .


  13. The active ingredient of α - pyrone 0.2 % wettable powder is 5,6-dihydro-6-pentyl-2H-pyran-2-one .


  14. 75 % Chlorothalonil wettable powder


  15. Wettable powder is the main type of microbial pesticide formulations in China . However , fewer studies were reported about the formulation , process optimization and scale up in microbial pesticide .


  16. Residues of thiabendazole in mango dipped in 250 and 500 times diluted thiabendazole wettable powder for 1 minute decreased to safety level 10 days later .


  17. After military forces used the wettable powder to aerially bomb mosquitoes in the malaria-ridden Pacific theater during World War II , public health authorities took the lead .


  18. With the same concentration , 75 % tricyclazole WG was in advance of 75 % tricyclazole wettable powder in the control of spike blast .


  19. So the preliminary formulations of Beauveria bassiana wettable powder was spore powder 30 % , carrier 50 % , wetting agent 5 % , dispersing agent 5 % . 2 .


  20. The result of germination experiment indicated : 1000 fold of 45 % carbendazol wettable powder , 0.1 % H2O2,0 . 2 % KNO3 can increase the germination percentage of aged onion seed significantly .


  21. At present , carbendazol wettable powder was the best chemical for controlling fusarium wilt , and the optimum application concentration and times was irrigating the root three times with 500 time dilution of 50 % carbendazol , respectively .


  22. The compound of 36 % wettable powder applied at 2 - to 3 - leaf stage in direct-seeded rice field , with the dosages of 162-270 g / hm ~ ( 2 ) was safe to rice .


  23. A wettable powder formulation of Trichoderma viride strain LTR-2 was developed , and showed 50.1 % - 80.0 % of reduction of Fusarium wilt of cotton in field trials with seed treatment and soil drenching .


  24. Our results showed it 's very effective to antisepsis and rootage which added 600-fold chlorthalonil 75 % wettable powder to rootone , and it can also enhance survival of carnation cuttage .


  25. Traditional pesticide formulations such as the emulsifiable concentrate and wettable powder contain plenty of benzene organic solvents or dust , and hence result in serious environmental pollution and do great harm to human beings , thus being included in the list of elimination .
